Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Orthodox Food Festival 2024

In 2003, the historic Holy Transfiguration of Christ Orthodox Cathedral combined its annual church celebration with the neighborhood civic organization to put on the "Orthodox Food Festival and Old Globeville Days." It was a two-day extravaganza of ethnic food, entertainment, live bands, crafts, and games. The festival was featured in guide books as one of the best celebrations of Globeville's ethnic diversity.
In recent years, changes in Denver's city administration has resulted in the loss of Argo Park for the festival, with the celebration limited to Logan Street and the church property. COVID severely impacted the event.
In 2024, Transfiguration received a new dean Reverend Seraphim Robertson and the parish will again be hosting its festival celebration
Scan the QR code on the poster to receive updates on the activities. You'll want to take a tour of this historic church, built in 1898. The parishioners did much of the work themselves - this after putting in a ten or twelve hour day in a smelter or foundry. The incense, beeswax and stunning icons are a tribute to the faith of the founders and the dedication of the current congregation.


See the stunning interior of Holy Transfiguration 


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