Friday, September 6, 2019

A century of celebration 1919 - 2019

The very first Holy Rosary Parish bazaar was a doozy. The event lasted more than a week, starting on Saturday, November 8, and ending on Monday, November 16,1919. The church was still under construction and the festivities were held at the Slovenian Hall at 4468 Washington. There were games, prizes, food, concerts, competitions and plays. Mrs. Mary Kovac, Mrs. Joe Videtich, Mrs. Marcus Videtich, Mrs. Anna Popish, Mrs. Anna Starsenic, Mrs. Mary Grum, Mrs. Anna W. Kelly and Miss Mary Lessar formed a committee that solicited money, prizes and donations. Father Cyril Zupan, who had established both St. Mary's Parish in Pueblo and St. Joseph's in Leadville, directed the event. Parishioners from the other ethnic churches in Globeville attended and contributed to the bazaar. The occasion was a great success, enabling the completion of the church building.

The Holy Rosary festival this Sunday, September 8, will offer the same opportunities for fun and fund raising, from 9:00 am in the morning until 5:00 pm in the afternoon. As we approach our centennial, let us enjoy our diverse congregation and celebrated a century of our faith.

The Preseren Choir provided entertainment at the initial parish celebration.
First row, Charlie Blancar, John Papez, Anton Zalar, George Miroslavich, Adolf Anzicek,
George Pavlakovich, Frank Smole.
Middle row, John Kucler, Anton Jersin, Steve Mausar, Edward Thomas, John Yelinich, Joe Grubesic.
top row, Louis Cesar, Frank Glivar, Anton Gornik, Joe Perme. Photo courtesy John Pavlakovich


  1. I love reading here. I have ancestors with some of the names I see here. My mother was a child and knew Father Cyril in Pueblo at At. Mary's Church. he was instrumental in helping many sLOVEnian's come to this country from their homeland.
    I must remember to return so I may read more. Thank you for your beautiful photos and history too.
    When we take the back roads into downtown Denver I am always in awe of the church right underneath I-70. The architectural design is magnificent. I am not much into all the modern designs in homes and cars and everything today. It seems people want to be like everyone else. I am happy my grandparents did not feel that way. They were from places filled with many memories but they came here to make better lives. I will forever be in their debt for that.
    THank you and I hope your weekend is wonderful.

  2. Anne thank you for your kind comments. Father Cyril was a remarkable priest and a very hard worker. Many of our Slovenian family members spent time in Pueblo and Leadville, two other towns in which Father Cyril helped build churches. Holy Rosary is on 47th and Pearl, a half a block away from St. Joseph's Polish Church, whose spire you see from I-70. Come visit us sometime.

    Our website is
