Thursday, December 26, 2019

Another visit with family

On Sunday, July 21, we again traveled to the church of St. Nicholas in Gornje Cerovo to attend Mass. Afterward, we went to the home of Aristeja and Alphonz Princic, and they prepared a meal for us. The meal was exquisite, with homemade soup, fresh greens and fruit, roast pork and potatoes and two kinds of pastry dessert. Anja and Petra had gone to Croatia for their scheduled vacation, so our driver, Ziga, was pressed into service to translate. He was also commanded to "Sit. Eat."

Then, out came the wine and the photos. Julie, Teresa and I were taking pictures of the photos with our iPhones, Ziga was translating and we were scribbling furiously. I was delighted to see that they had many of the same photos that were kept in the piano bench in the home in Globeville. 

Photo that hangs on the wall in Teja and Fonze's home

Our copy of the same photo 

 Fonze and cousins discussing the people in the photos

A grandson of Teja and Fonze, Luka, arrived. Luka is about twenty years old and can speak, read and write in English, so I asked if he could translate the letters I had brought with me. He graciously obliged and read three letters that were written in Slovenian: from 1948, 1949 and 1957.  More. . .


  1. I'm enjoying reading the information here. I found it while looking for information on my family. My paternal grandmother's maiden name is Kohut. She is from Globeville. Wanting any information on can find on her and her family. Apparently, the Russian Orthodox church has founders by the name of Kohut. I am assuming my ancestors.

  2. Rhonda - YES, Kohuts were prominent in the founding of Transfiguration - large family. I have some information on the church. I interviewed Helen Kohut Capron and can send her interview to you.

    What was your grandmother's name?
