Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Virus, the Holy Rosary Centennial and a Lottery

As early as 2017, parishioners began planning for the Holy Rosary Centennial, hoping to recreate the excitement of the dedication ceremony that was held July 4, 2020. There would be bilingual Mass with choirs singing in Slovenian, English and Spanish, with a reception afterward. A printed history of the parish would be available as well as a pictorial display. Perhaps there would be accordion music by Joann Birsa, and entertainment by Baile Foklorico Mexico Alegre and Krakowiacy Polish Dancers. But events during this most unusual year has meant a different kind of commemoration.

The most important part of the Centennial will be the bilingual Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Aquila on Sunday, October 25th at 10:00 am. However, in compliance with Covid19 guidelines, we will be limited to 25% of our seating capacity for the Mass. The only equitable manner to resolve who gets to physically attend the Mass will be decided by lot. All others will have to watch a live stream of the Mass.

To have a chance of attending the Mass in person, you must attend Mass on either Sunday, October 4 or Sunday, October 11 and place your name and the number of persons in your family who would like to attend on a card available at the entrance to the church. These will be placed in a basket and names will be drawn and published in the October 18 bulletin. Only those whose names are published in the October 18 bulletin will be allowed to physically attend the Mass on October 25th. 
Centenario del Santo Rosario. El Santo Sacrificio de la Misa por el Centenario del Santo Rosario será celebrado por el Arzobispo Aquila el domingo 25 de octubre a las 10:00 am. Será una Misa bilingüe. Estaremos limitados al 25% de nuestra capacidad de asientos para la Misa. La única manera equitativa de resolver quién puede asistir físicamente a la Misa se decidirá por sorteo. Todos los demás tendrán que ver una transmisión en vivo de la misa.

Para tener la oportunidad de asistir a la misa en persona, debe asistir a la misa el domingo 4 de octubre o el domingo 11 de octubre y colocar su nombre y el número de personas de su familia que deseen asistir en una tarjeta disponible en la entrada. a la Iglesia. Estos se colocarán en una canasta y los nombres se sortearán y publicarán en el boletín del 18 de octubre. Solo aquellos cuyos nombres se publiquen en el boletín podrán asistir físicamente a la Misa el 25 de octubre.


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