Friday, November 6, 2020

Centennial Celebration of Holy Rosary Church

For the last several years, Holy Rosary Church has been planning a celebration of its 100 years in Globeville. There would be choirs singing in English, Spanish and Slovenian, a procession of the bible study, prayer, nocturnal adoration groups and Cursillos. Flowers would grace both the main and side altars. Afterward, there would be a reception with the ethnic foods of all the nationalities that call Holy Rosary home. We imagined Joe Sadar playing Slovenian and Croatian tunes on the accordion, and entertainment from the ballet folklorico mexico alegre. Photos, artifacts, and documents would describe the continuing story of the parish.

All our plans came to a halt in March 2020 with the arrival of the world wide epidemic. The virus threatened the flesh and bones of our parish as much as it did any human body. Many parishioners lost their jobs and contributions to Holy Rosary dropped. Just when it was needed most, the consolation of the group prayer and companionship was halted. Gradually some bright spots appeared.

At great sacrifice, Ana Galván de Tiscareño, livestreamed our Masses each day. Links to the Archdiocese on-line giving platform provided a financial life line. Parishioners reached out to each other through phone calls, cards and ZOOM meetings. The virus subsided enough for Archbishop Aquila to schedule our celebration on October 25, at 10:00 am. (Continuing restrictions dictated a limited number of attendees and names were drawn from those who submitted them - 150 in all).

Hymns were sung in English, Spanish and Slovenian, and a generous benefactor saw that masses of flowers adorned the altars. The Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Aquila, Father Frank Garcia and former pastor, Father Felix Zemeño Martín. The ceremony was lovely and can be viewed on the Archdenstreaming site

As Covid returns, the parish will again have to limit attendance. Parishioners talk wistfully about next year and remember this bright spot in a very dark year. 

From the Perko family - Three Persons - One God 
Father Frank Garcia,  Archbishop Aquila,
altar servers and Father Felix Zermeño Martín

Flor Santizo - a beautiful resonant voice


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