Friday, May 19, 2023

Thanks for the Memories - Homecoming March 25, 2023

Today there are lots of ways to connect with people - web pages, blogs, Facebook, Instagram and many other platforms that will have morphed into something else by the time this entry is posted. But there is nothing like reminiscing with folks you haven't seen in a long time. Holy Rosary Parish contains 100 years of history, and it's amazing how many experiences are the same through different generations: First Communion, May Crowning, Confession, Lent, Holy Week and Easter. And there were priests and teachers who were fondly remembered: Father Kestel, Monsignor Judnic, Sister Mary Magdalene, Sister Mary Bernard and Mrs. Nancy Jackson.

Memories from March 25 have been recorded and can be heard on our YouTube Channel:

Holy Rosary students went on to successful lives and credit their experience in the parish as a factor.

Don't miss our next Homecoming on Saturday, October 7th, 2023 (start looking through those old photos)

Herman Brozovich and John Snyder are identified in this photo from the 1940s

Longtime Globeville activist, John Zapien

First Communion for cousins John and Abraham Velasquez with Father Kestel 

Mary Coxsey, Gloria Friedrich, John Velasquez and his son


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